On November 3rd 2020, the Jewish Unity PAC will support the best interests of Jewish Americans. The heart of our organization is Unity. We believe that once the U.S. government is in the hands of competent individuals, we will not only be able to address the issues dividing our nation, but attack them head on. When Joe Biden is elected President, we will restore competency, decency and character back to the White House.
On November 3rd, we will have unified a large portion of the Jewish community behind Joe Biden.
On January 20th, we will have a leader who takes the serious issues our nation faces, and addresses them head on. We will have helped to return responsible and reasonable leadership back to the White House.
Jewish teachings tell us, “Justice, Justice, you shall pursue”. Hineni, Here I Am. Here we are, the next generation of Jewish leaders, to pursue that justice, and return our government to the hands of competent, and caring leaders. We see the Jewish communities across our country, communities electorally pivotal in the 2020. Frankly, we are concerned voters won’t turn out. We have identified markets in key swing states that have the potential to elect Joe Biden.
Bridge the political divide amongst Jews across the country
While the majority Jewish voters in America tend to vote Democratic, according to Bend the Arc, 75% of Jewish voters have unfavorable opinions of Trump, moreover, 76% of Jewish voters believe that Trump holds racist views. Jewish voters agree on a lot, such as the importance of new gun safety laws, protecting Social Security and Medicare, and lowering healthcare costs. Jewish voters also care deeply about the US and Israel relationship. In fact, 95% of Jewish voters view Israel favorably, 47% of Jews believe fighting antisemitism and white nationalism are a top priority in this election.
Bridging the gap is crucial to the 2020 Election. While Jewish voters overwhelmingly agree that the 2020 Election is more important than usual, there has not been an outlet for Jews from all backgrounds to unite in order to defeat Trump, until now.
While Jews notoriously disagree on most anything, we can agree on a lot - Gun Safety, Social Security, Medicare, Healthcare and Israel. Gun safety is the most important topic in this election for 56% of Jewish Voters. Jews of all ages agree on this, we must now take action, together.
Mobilize young people to take action in this election
The Jewish Unity PAC believes the time is now for the next generation of Jewish Leaders. Our work will unify, educate, and encourage the future of our nation to take action before and on November 3rd. While our PAC represents Jews of all ages, we know young Jews are less likely to vote than their older counterparts. We must mobilize young people in order to win this election.
As young people we know what issues resonate. Our digital strategy is built around this group. We want young voters to know that their vote does matter. We will continue to educate and demonstrate how close elections have come in states such as Florida, Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Texas and more.
Voter Turnout
The Jewish Unity PAC will inspire Jews from all backgrounds and perspectives to turn out, whether by mail or by in person ballot, to vote. We know our values are best represented when we make our voices heard through our constitutionally held right to choose our next leader
Absentee Voting
Voting in person, while in the middle of a global pandemic, sounds daunting and dangerous to many of us. That is why Jewish Unity PAC is strongly suggesting that anyone that can register to vote by mail, or apply to receive an absentee ballot, should do so. We want to provide the information necessary to do so.
Even though states very well may experience a surge in Covid-19 before or during the election, it is imperative that all eligible voters have their constitutionally enumerated right to vote in the 2020 Election. Whether you are a voter in a state whose cases are surging such as Texas or Florida, or you are in a state where things seem to be settling down, Jewish Unity PAC firmly believes that it is better to prepare for all possible scenarios.
In turn, Jewish Unity PAC is here to provide you with information regarding your states’ voting option(s) so that you can make whatever decision is best for you and your loved ones.